Dr. Dagmar Frohning
Dr phil., Graduate Linguist, Systemic Consultant (SG)
I am trained in numerous ways for working with language in the broadest sense. After a deep dive into academic research, my attention more and more shifted towards that, which language brings to the surface: being human, life unfolding, consciousness. For more than 25 years, I have been designing learning processes, mainly as lecturer for German as foreign language, in strongly diverse and intercultural settings at Universities in German and abroad. For several years I have been stepping into facilitation, supporting people in their growth and development.
I am fascinated by subtle linguistic nuances and the question of how they speak – or where not. In 2010, this deep curiosity led me to the scorer training with Susanne Cook Greuter. Since then, I have been cultivating this art of precise “reading” through numerous further training – also far beyond scoring. Today I would say I am exploring the sounds of life, transformation and trauma, not only in language. For many years, I have been listening to this also in silence.

Certified ego structure analysts &
Scorers, advisory group
In our circle we are responsible for the qualified and high-quality creation of Ego-Development-Profiles. By sharing and supervising our scoring work, we ensure the high quality standard that is mandatory for all of us. In addition, we discuss technical questions and topics that arise from our scoring, coaching and consulting work, as well as related ideas and concepts.
We share with each other our passion for the topic of ego development. All of us have undergone various longer process-oriented coaching/consulting trainings, are experienced coaches/counselors, and have completed (or are in the process of completing) several years of scoring training in Ego Development, which gives us a deep and multi-faceted insight into how Ego Development manifests.
We are happy to help.
Request a personal consultation appointment so that we can find out together which offer could best suit your questions and ideas.